Programs Adults


Men’s Mission 50 Yearly schedule:

September 25, 2021 to June 25, 2022

Category 1 : Fruit bearing

September 24: Tim Hawman – The Purposeful Life

October 29: Spiritual Disciplines of Meditation and Devotion

Category 2 : Multiplying

November 26:  Attitudes that are Essential to being a Disciple: Humility, teachability, availability and faithfulness.

January 28:  The how-to’s of evangelism: Methods and proven tools.

Category 3: Relating and Belonging

February 18,2023: Building spiritual friendship for lifelong growth. God’s design for belonging to the Body.

Category 4: Incarnational

March 25, 2023: Finding balanced convictions in a fractured and unbalanced world.

Category 4: Leadership

April 29, 2023: Learning spiritual and doctrinal competence to faithfully shepherd those under our care.

May 27, 2023: The character of men who shepherd their families and their churches.