Ministries Children

Child Dedication

Thank you for your interest in having your child dedicated at Emmanuel Baptist Church. 

Our child dedication will be on Sunday, May 26th, 2024.  

What is Child Dedication? 

Child Dedication is where parents make a commitment to the church and the church makes a commitment to the parents regarding the child. Dedication does not speak to the child's heart and whether they will embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ. Rather, it speaks to the intention of the community (parents and the congregation) to raise and care for the child in a way pleasing to the Lord that seeks to point them to Christ Crucified above all things. 

1 Cor. 2:2 "For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified" 

What are the commitments we ask parents to make?  

  1. Will you make your home a place that honours the Lord Jesus Christ and seeks to bring glory and honour to him in all that you do?

  2. Will you commit to pray regularly for the salvation and spiritual growth of your child?

  3. Will you commit yourselves to bringing up your child by the means of godly discipline and godly instruction in the Lord?

  4. Will you commit to being a godly example for your children in both your private worship in the home and corporate worship with God’s people?

What are the commitments we ask the congregation to make? 

  1. Will you commit to being a godly example to these children as they grow to exhibit before them the behaviour of a genuine and godly Christian?
  2. Will you commit to pray for the salvation and spiritual growth of the children of our church and their parents as you hold them accountable for the vows they have made this morning?

Please fill out this form if you are interested in dedicating your child:

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