Ministries Growth Groups

Growth Groups

EBC Growth Groups 2025 

We call our small groups “Growth Groups” because they are a strategic part of fulfilling Emmanuel’s mission of “Training to Grow” in relationship with God and one another. This growth is for our own spiritual benefit and joy but also so that we can “Go” and spread the gospel to our communities and abroad. 

The purpose of EBC Growth Groups is to help one another train for mission through fellowship and the application of the truth of Scripture. 

Why join an EBC Growth Group? 

In Ephesians 4 Paul calls the church to build one another up in love. The divine method for this work is simple and powerful: “Speaking the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15). As we seek to follow Paul’s example in sharing our lives with one another (1 Thess. 2:8) we want to devote ourselves to meeting together (Heb. 10:24-25) so that we might give ourselves to God’s good purposes. 

God’s desire for his people is that they would be “steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58). In other words God’s desire is that we would grow up into “the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13). God gives this mission to every believer and calls us to make disciples by teaching them to obey all the commandments of Christ (Matt. 28-18-20). 

Our Growth groups seek to fulfill these commands and desires by providing a space for us to share openly, encourage, challenge one another, ask tough questions and work for one another’s joy and progress in the faith (Phil. 1:25-26). 

Benefits of joining an EBC Growth Group 

Seasonal Approach - As we finish 2024 we’re taking 12 weeks to give ourselves to this model of discipleship. We are not expecting a year long commitment or multi year commitment but simply a few months to focus on living out our faith in our day to day lives. 

Spiritual Care - These Growth Groups will provide an opportunity for you to care for the spiritual needs of those in our church and for you to be cared for by others in the church. Christian’s are not meant to live individualistic lives but rather in a community where their burden’s and joy’s can be shared. 

Spiritual Growth - Giving special attention to applying the sermon to our lives will facilitate spiritual growth as we help one another believe and obey what we’ve heard on Sunday. 

Friendships - Having time together week by week will help us move past simple (though important) conversations and grow deeper in our relationships with one another. 

Obedience - As we think and talk about how to respond to Sunday’s Sermon it’s our hope that we will grow individually and corporately in obeying the scriptures and bringing glory and honor to God.

Why do we focus on living out Sunday’s Sermon?  

Sunday Morning’s Sermon is God’s primary meal for our body each week. As we work our way passage by passage through each book we trust that God directs and teaches us according to His word and His will, as well as our spiritual needs. As we trust his sovereignty over what is preached on we want to focus on how we live these truth’s out so that year after year we grow in Christlikeness. 

This gives us a church-wide focus each week, where we are all talking and praying about the same text and its application. This provides an accessible environment where all equally can listen to and embrace the sermon, there isn’t an advantage for the experienced believer over anyone else in the group. Anyone who comes to church regularly can join a group and participate fully without needing to dive into extra material. 

The growth group leaders will function primarily as facilitators not as leaders. They themselves will not be there to teach the group but simply to facilitate conversation and encourage one another to participate. They are not expected to have all the answers or respond to every burden but give space for each of us to speak the truth in love to one another. 

What does an EBC Growth Group night look like? 

Our Growth Groups will include these elements, timing will vary and depend on each group. 


Worship in Song (Optional) 


Read the text from Sunday’s Sermon and Pray 

Work Through Application Questions Based on Sunday’s Sermon


What Groups are happening this season? 

Times and days will vary and group’s will have flexibility to adjust to their members desires or needs. 

How do I join a group? 

Fill out the form below to register for a small group. We will do our best to accommodate everyone’s needs but we cannot ensure that you will be in a specific group, for that reason, as far as you are able please indicate more than one group option. 

Groups Available:

Tuesdays 7:00pm - Brown home [Zurich/Bayfield]

Wednesdays 7:00pm - Walker home [Exeter]

Thursdays 7:00pm - Gardiner home [Kirkton]

Fridays 7:30pm - Cameron home [Clinton]

Fridays 7:00pm - Hawman Home [Exeter]

Fridays 7:00 pm- Hosted by Felix Amiri [Online]

*Denotes Required Field