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“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; and then the heavens will pass away with a roar.” 2 Peter 3:10.

Have you ever prepared for a hurricane? Warnings are given that it may reach landfall by morning. Business doubled as people begin to stockpile up supplies to last through the hurricane. All day you hear the sound of hammers as people start boarding up their houses. Other work has been put aside in the urgency of preparing for the storm. We need to be ready, and other work really seems unimportant at this time. If we are not ready there will be loss of property, and maybe even lives.

Now, we hear that the Lord may be coming back! It could be even today! Preachers need to make the proclamation from their pulpits. Christian workers need to spread the message. Tons of literature warning of the upcoming event need to be distributed for free.

But, you know the response to the warning that Christ is coming back is very different from the response of a hurricane warning. Very few preparations are being made. There is little urgency in the work. We continue to go fishing on Sunday morning. We continue to plant corn. After all next week the fish may not be biting and it might be too wet to plant. It does not occur to us that all will be lost when Christ returns.
We attend church regularly, but refuse to forgive someone sitting beside us. People are not ready to dedicate their lives fully to the Lord because they are afraid of the cost We are afraid to speak out to our neighbours for the need of repentance, thinking we will do it later. Yet we sing in church with gusto, “Be ready when He comes.”

Will you react differently today if you knew eternity would begin tomorrow? Is your life in order? Remember Jesus is coming! You have received the warning. Prepare for His return today.