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“And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience.” 2 Corinthians 10:6.

There is a story about Leonardo de Vinci when he was painting the “Last Supper” that illustrates the results of disobedience. While painting his masterpiece, da Vinci sought long and hard for a model of his Christ. At last he located a chorister in one of the churches of Rome who was lovely in life and features, a young man named Pietro Bandinelli.

Years passed, and the painting was still unfinished. All the disciples had been portrayed, save one, Judas Iscariot. Now, da Vinci started out to find a man whose face was hardened and distorted by sin. He found a beggar on the streets of Rome with a face so villainous that he shuddered when he looked at him. He hired the man to sit for him as he painted the face of Judas on his canvas. When he was about to dismiss the man, he said, “ I have not yet found out your name.”

I am Pietro Bandinelli, “the man replied, I also sat for you as your model of Christ.” The lovely and pure chorister had become scarred by sin and had become a beggar on the streets. How quickly we can fall.
Our minds need to be focused only on Christ and ready to follow His commands. We must bring every thought and every part of our existence under His direction. Disobedience causes us to be unstable and double minded. Doubt in God’s Word and pride in our own strength go hand in hand , and make us like Jeremiah’s girdle, good for nothing.

Satan is the “father of lies.” Who wants us to stay in disobedience. However, God’s loving chastisement can bring us back to obedience so that we will not suffer eternally which is the consequences of disobedience.