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Do You Have a Closet?

“ He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1

Where do you go when there is no place to go? Today in lockdown this must be even harder to answer. Have you ever felt like you are all alone in the world? Maybe it seems like no one really cares about you? Even if they did care, it seems impossible that they can help you. You feel like no one understands what your going through. The days and weeks ahead look like insurmountable mountains. You just can’t climb them.

As a Christian we encounter many obstacles that are impossible to face in our own strength.However, we are never alone, because we have God as our Father. He does not want us to travel life’s roads on our own. He understand the trials and temptations that come our way because Christ also travelled and experienced the same things.. During Jesus’ life he faced many decisions, encountered many trying persons, and faced temptations. During these times, He would withdraw from the crowds and spend time alone with the Father in His closet. He always found strength to continue during these times in His closet.

Life places many demands on us and presents experiences that discourage us. We are facing these things right now as the virus is changing our lives as never before. At times like these we need our closet, a place where we meet with God our Father. A place where we receive strength and direction for all of our trials. We need daily time alone with God. This will equip us to face even these difficult times.

The Lord may not remove the mountain, but He will give us strength to climb it. Spend time with Him today.